Lava Labyrinth

Lava Labyrinth is a fast-paced arcade game where you control a nimble ninja navigating a treacherous, ever-changing maze. 

Your goal? Reach the top and exit through one of the three doors—only one leads to safety, but the challenge never ends as you go again and again!

Rack up a high score as you dodge deadly slime enemies, strategically drop bombs with the space bar to clear breakable barrels, and manoeuvre around unbreakable blocks.

How far can you make it in this endless labyrinth? Test your skills and outlast the rising lava flow!

Note: You can play in full-screen mode.


  • WASD: Move
  • Space: Drop Bomb

Team Members

This game was built by Erno van der Merwe, SJ Strydom, and Timo van der Merwe


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cool and fun!




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